Course Work Programs

Central Coast Family Support Services Inc. facilitates a variety of courses, seminars, workshops and family events open to families living across the Central Coast region.

Courses are delivered across the Central Coast and are free for eligible families. Limited child-minding may be available at selected locations (gold coin donation is requested). Register online or call 4340 1585 or email for more details.

Course Work Programs

Circle of Security

The Circle of Security is a relationship-based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and their children.

Bringing Up Great Kids

The Bringing Up Great Kids program is designed for parents to learn about the brain development of their children and understand how to meet their children’s growing needs. Through the program, parents are supported to build attentive communication with their children. Parents also reflect on and explore the meaning behind their children’s behaviour and develop an awareness of the cues that trigger unhelpful or ineffective responses.

Circle of Security

The Circle of Security is a relationship-based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and their children.

Bringing Up Great Kids

The Bringing Up Great Kids program is designed for parents to learn about the brain development of their children and understand how to meet their children’s growing needs. Through the program, parents are supported to build attentive communication with their children. Parents also reflect on and explore the meaning behind their children’s behaviour and develop an awareness of the cues that trigger unhelpful or ineffective responses.

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. This includes preventing problems in the family, school and community before they arise and creating family environments that encourage children to realise their potential.

Fear-Less Triple P

Fear-Less Triple P supports parents and grandparent caregivers of children aged from 6 to 12 years, who have moderate to high levels of anxiety that negatively impact on everyday functioning. The program helps them to learn new cognitive behavioural strategies for anxiety management, encouraging them to apply these themselves for all their children.

1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Coaching

1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching is a three session program for parents and carers wishing to learn how to manage difficult behaviours in children aged 2- 12 years. The program aims to teach parents how to deal with their children’s difficult behaviour by using an easy-to-use signalling system. The signalling system requires the parent to use less talk and less emotion, which in turn encourages the development of children’s ability to manage their emotional reactions.

No Scaredy Cats

The No Scaredy Cats™ workshop aims to support you and your child through the ups and downs of life. It is what we call a ‘parent-led’ approach. This means you take on the role of the coach in your child’s life, and are able to guide them through emotionally distressing episodes. It is based on three underlying perspectives. First, by having an understanding of how anxiety develops parents can counter its progress. Second, parents can take a preventative role in the development of anxiety problems. Third, there are practical steps parents can take to build resilience.

Tuning into Kids

Tuning in to Kids is a parenting program that aims to give you helpful ways of teaching your child the skills of emotional intelligence. The program teaches you about how you, as a parent, can help your child develop good emotional skills.

Shark Cage

Shark Cage is a trauma informed five step program of interventions. It is designed to heal and empower women who have experienced repeated abuse such as family violence or sexual assault. It is based on a metaphor which forms the first step in the framework. The metaphor relates to women having a high risk of male violence due to social practices that have not given girls and women the same rights as men.

Stand Together

Stand Together is a 6 week group work program for mothers who have left a Domestic Family Violence relationship. This group will assist to build skills and knowledge to support mothers in their parenting, and repair relationships with their children post-DV.

Black Box Parenting

The Black Box Parenting Program is an innovative program developed specifically for the challenges of parenting after violence. The program is a great, non-blaming way to get parents thinking about how they interact with their children and how to manage some of the challenges of parenting after violence.

Young Parent Support Groups

We facilitate a number of parenting and social support groups for young parents and their children. Our group work programs are free and delivered in a variety of locations across the Central Coast These groups are run specifically for young parents under the age of 25 years and often include transport assistance and child care options. To find out more about our young parent groups you can stay in touch with us at our facebook page called Young Parent Central.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Groups

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support groups meet regularly at venues across the Central Coast. You do not need to register your attendance, just turn up on the day. If you would like to enquire about attending this group, please contact our office on 4340 1585.

Other group work/courses

A variety of group work programs are delivered throughout the year.

They are designed to assist women and families with maintaining wellbeing and healthy relationships, parenting and making positive life choices. Postnatal depression, anxiety, domestic violence, parents as case coordinators, life skills and self-care choices are often delivered in partnership with the wider community sector.

Some groups provide child care if pre-booked. If you would like to express an interest in participating in one of our groups, please sign up for our email newsletter to keep in touch with what is happening in our group work program.

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